Love Reimagined

Want MORE In Your Relationship?

Even If You’ve Tried “Everything” or Think Your Partner Will Never Change

Get “Love Reimagined: Unmasking The Silent Threats That Sabotage Relationships”

Overcome Your Problems and Create a Joyful, Supportive Relationship

A 40+ page eBook with transformative strategies, special exercises and questionnaires that will bring you and your partner closer with every page.

Here’s Where It Gets Tricky…

On paper, your relationship looks fine.

You live a relatively comfortable life. Good jobs, a nice home, maybe kids. You don’t bicker in public.

On the Outside, it may even appear that you and your partner are happy.

But inside, you feel like your soul is dying.

Life together isn’t the thrill or adventure you once imagined it would be.

  • You don’t giggle or have private jokes anymore.

  • You don’t look at each other with affection or adoration.

  • You don’t caress each other or kiss passionately.

  • You don’t trust each other to be a source of support and comfort.



Your life together has become a treadmill of chores, errands and logistics. You didn’t get married and vow to spend the rest of your life with someone with whom you experience no passion, no joy, no vibrancy.

A relationship where you often feel unappreciated, taken for granted and disrespected.

You don't want to be in a relationship where every little thing becomes a power struggle, because your partner clings stubbornly to their way of doing things, even if it makes no sense to you.

…or a relationship that leaves you anxious and worried all the time, because your partner isn’t very responsible, and then withdraws their love when you try to voice your concerns.


You’ve lived this way for years.

Maybe you’ve been fighting against it and trying to “fix” it for longer.

You may even doubt...

That it’s even possible to fix, because you ask yourself:

“Are we fundamentally incompatible?”

“Has my partner changed as a person? Have I?”

“Have we just grown apart? Fallen out of love?"

“Have we hurt or neglected each other beyond repair?”

Worst of all...

You may have contemplated breakup/divorce, but haven’t acted on it.

Maybe you can’t imagine ever leaving because of the stress, money or children.

So you stay. And you put up with it all.

“Good enough” is actually not good enough at all.

That you want MORE. That you deserve more.

That relationship shouldn’t be a chore,

but a joy and a celebration.

But you have no idea how to make that happen.

Get “Love Reimagined: Unmasking The Silent Threats That Sabotage Relationships”

Overcome Your Problems and Create a Joyful, Supportive Relationship

A 40+ page eBook with transformative strategies, special exercises and questionnaires that will bring you and your partner closer with every page.

Get “Love Reimagined: Unmasking The Silent Threats

That Sabotage Relationships”

Get “Love Reimagined: Unmasking The Silent Threats That Sabotage Relationships”

Overcome Your Problems and Create a Joyful, Supportive Relationship

A 40+ page eBook with transformative strategies, special exercises and questionnaires that will bring you and your partner closer with every page.

Now, you’re probably thinking…

"I’ve tried to make things better. I really have. But…"

  • Date nights haven’t worked.

  • Making requests hasn’t worked.

  • Ignoring the problem hasn’t worked.

  • Talking about things rationally hasn’t worked.

  • Sharing your feelings hasn’t worked.

  • Fighting about it hasn’t worked.

You keep having the same

conversations, arguments, or push/pull interactions

without making any constructive changes.

And instead of being honest about your feelings and needs with your partner,

you just complain to yourself, feeling resigned and alone in your relationship.

But here's the thing...

There’s a very good reason why none of the things you’ve done up until now to solve your various problems and reconnect hasn’t worked or has even made things worse.
There’s a very good reason why none of the things
you’ve done up until now to solve your various problems and reconnect
hasn’t worked or has even made things worse.

And it’s this…

You Are Addressing The Wrong Problem!

Therefore, Your “Solution” Is Doomed to Fail

This may surprise you, and you may not want to accept it at face value…

What you thought were your problems aren’t the real problem.

You’re not really arguing about money. Or sex. Or who’s turn it is to empty the dishwasher. Or why they aren’t willing to budge about moving closer to your parents. Or how thoughtless they are when they invite people over for dinner without asking you first.

That’s why you keep having the same—or similar—arguments. It’s why, even if something seems “solved” one day, another (but similar) problem pops right back up.

But what you’re experiencing as your problems are actually symptoms of something else you need to address that most people don’t know about:

And that’s a fundamental breakdown in one of the 7 core relationship systems.

What happens is this…

You’re angry at your partner for leaving dirty dishes in the sink, and your partner is fed up with your nagging.

You’ll think you’re arguing about the dishwasher one day, and who stays home with your sick child the next day, and who gets to sleep in all the time the day after that.

But what you’re really arguing about is a fundamental imbalance in responsibilities or privileges in your relationship.

You have a fairness system problem.

Not a dishes problem.

The truth is…

When You Fix the Bigger Issue,

You Avoid The Smaller Problems

The trick is learning HOW to identify what the system failure is,and getting the right tools to change it.

Imagine this…

  • Your relationship improves by leaps and bounds. 

  • You can talk about things without getting defensive. 

  • Resentment fades. Appreciation and understanding increase.

  • You begin having fun together again, and no longer feel so alone.

  • And you no longer think that you’re doing too much, and they’re not doing enough.

It all starts with learning about, recognising, addressing and mending the Real underlying issue within your relationship.

And once you learn how to do it…

Your relationship completely transforms because you know exactly what you need to do to have a relationship that’s more fun, fair, supportive and cooperative. (And it’s not more of the same tactics that haven’t worked!)

It’s time to feel excited about your relationship and hopeful about your future together.

And even though I can’t work with you on an individual basis, there is something I can do to help.

Who Am I?

Over the course of my career, I’ve helped hundreds of couples “see” what they couldn’t see about their troubled relationship.

I’ve helped them uncover the deeper, broader issue behind all their various “problems” and showed them simple, effective ways to resolve this issue, so that the annoying problems stop getting in the way of their love and happiness.

Once they were able to get that perspective, their entire relationship shifted in a positive direction.

Who Am I?

Over the course of my career, I’ve helped hundreds of couples “see” what they couldn’t see about their troubled relationship.

I’ve helped them uncover the deeper, broader issue behind all their various “problems” and showed them simple, effective ways to resolve this issue, so that the annoying problems stop getting in the way of their love and happiness.

Once they were able to get that perspective, their entire relationship shifted in a positive direction.

How do I know this is what will help make your relationship stronger, vital and loving?

What My Clients Have To Say…

Here’s what they did…

They began to work together toward common goals, they stopped bickering over the small stuff, and they made choices that were in alignment with the greater vision for their marriage: fun, fair, resilience, support, and passionate love.

At first, before they even know what’s really wrong, most couples fear that it’s going to be too complicated, too difficult, too costly to even begin to address these “bigger issues”, so they give up before they even try.

Here’s what they did…

They began to work together toward common goals, they stopped bickering over the small stuff, and they made choices that were in alignment with the greater vision for their marriage: fun, fair, resilience, support, and passionate love.

At first, before they even know what’s really wrong, most couples fear that it’s going to be too complicated, too difficult, too costly to even begin to address these “bigger issues”, so they give up before they even try.

But the truth is…

Almost ALL the problems that couples face are due to just 7 main relationship flaws that are much easier to mend than you think!

And when you fix the flaw, you fix the operating system, and everything runs smoothly and elegantly again.

How can you find out what the underlying flaws are in your relationship?

That’s where my eBook, Love Reimagined: Unmasking The Silent Threats That Sabotage Relationships, comes in.

It reveals…

The 7 flaws—or forces—that are at the heart of all your conflicts, problems and disappointment with your partner.

Next, it details exactly what to do to repair and strengthen that flaw, so that issues about money, time, affection, sex, communication, etc., need not destroy your relationship.

“Love Reimagined” will give you the big picture view of your relationship you can’t easily get on your own.

When You Learn The Strategies In This eBook…

You, too, will experience what hundreds of couples have experienced

after working with me using this same exact approach:

  • You’ll both start to “see” the hidden forces that have been undermining your love, and how you’ve been focusing on entirely the wrong thing all this time, and it will be a relief, because you’ll finally have a path toward a real and lasting solution to all your “problems.”

  • You’ll start to focus on the positive and downplay the negative aspects of your life together.

  • You’ll use challenges as opportunities to grow, work as a team, and strengthen your commitment to each other.

  • You’ll go from feeling numb, bored or lonely to feeling spontaneous, active and alive.

  • You’ll establish roles, rules, expectations, and agreements that make each of you feel like you are getting the best end of the deal.

  • Each of you will consider one another as a priority, and your actions will consistently show this.

  • You’ll be able to bend with the times, instead of letting unexpected circumstances create another crisis in your love.

  • You’ll experience admiration and a deepening love for your partner, and vice-versa.

A Book That Will “Reset” Your Relationship and Bring You Closer With Every Page

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‘Love Reimagined’ is experiential.

What that means is that you learn by doing, not just reading.

It contains specially-designed quizzes and questionnaires for each system, designed to demonstrate how to make positive changes simply when you contemplate the questions.

It’s like having your own private “coaching/therapy in a box.”

Plus... It teaches you how to fix the underlying flaws in your relationship through small, practical, positive steps.

  • You’ll get tips and strategies to see yourself and your behaviour in a more objective, unbiased way, so you can make changes in the way you interact within your relationship.

  • You’ll have the opportunity to upgrade, change, reset and improve your relationship in a way that you haven’t thought of before.

  • You’ll experience real hope for lasting change, and real happiness together.

  • You’ll experience and appreciate the beauty of a close, vital, supportive, joyful relationship—one in which you know each other on a deep personal level like no one else in your life!

Here’s What Else You’ll Discover In This Experiential, Solutions-Based eBook:

  • A 20-point survey that reveals how secure you and your partner feels in the relationship, and what areas need work and which ones are working, so you can stop arguing about things like money, jealousy, and emotional blackmail.

  • 5 in-depth relationship system evaluation questionnaires to help you determine the current strength of your relationship, and where your weaknesses are, and what you can do about them.

  • A special “fairness survey” which affords you and your partner a visual image of the fairness factor in your relationship, to give you a subjective look at how much each of you are investing in your relationship.

  • The “check-in”: A simple ritual to stay connected and stay current with your partner’s life, in order to avoid missteps and to stay connected through life’s ups and downs.

  • 7 simple steps which can infuse your relationship with greater flexibility and resilience, so everyday or unexpected problems don’t lead you to making rash decisions or staying stuck in fear and anxiety.

  • Your “vitality rating”: A checklist that can predict what type of partner you are—complacent or exciting—and offers you and your partner a snapshot of what areas to focus on in order to inject more aliveness into your relationship.

  • A 5-minute exercise that can highlight some of the spoken or unspoken expectations you or your partner brought into your relationship, so that you can gain a better understanding of why you have certain conflicts (and what you can do about them).

  • The counterintuitive way to get your partner to talk more if they’re the type of person who isn’t naturally chatty.

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Here’s What Else You’ll Discover In This Experiential, Solutions-Based eBook:

  • A 20-point survey that reveals how secure you and your partner feels in the relationship, and what areas need work and which ones are working, so you can stop arguing about things like money, jealousy, and emotional blackmail.

  • 5 in-depth relationship system evaluation questionnaires to help you determine the current strength of your relationship, and where your weaknesses are, and what you can do about them.

  • A special “fairness survey” which affords you and your partner a visual image of the fairness factor in your relationship, to give you a subjective look at how much each of you are investing in your relationship.

  • The “check-in”: A simple ritual to stay connected and stay current with your partner’s life, in order to avoid missteps and to stay connected through life’s ups and downs.

  • 7 simple steps which can infuse your relationship with greater flexibility and resilience, so everyday or unexpected problems don’t lead you to making rash decisions or staying stuck in fear and anxiety.

  • Your “vitality rating”: A checklist that can predict what type of partner you are—complacent or exciting—and offers you and your partner a snapshot of what areas to focus on in order to inject more aliveness into your relationship.

  • A 5-minute exercise that can highlight some of the spoken or unspoken expectations you or your partner brought into your relationship, so that you can gain a better understanding of why you have certain conflicts (and what you can do about them).

  • The counterintuitive way to get your partner to talk more if they’re the type of person who isn’t naturally chatty.

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